Friday, December 19, 2008

Finals = my life right now

Well it's the end of the semester again. It went by so fast, I can't even believe that it is over already. Today is my last final...CHEM103 at 9:10. So you might be asking yourself, why am I up and ready for school so early? Because I'm an idiot. that's why. Last night I went to bed at midnight and set my alarm for seven. So this morning I wake up and get out of bed, at seven. I was so dog darn tired but I got up anyway because I had to get ready for the final. So I brush my teeth, comb my hair, get dressed, grab a bite to eat and walk to the bus. The bus was exceptionally late today, making me worry that I would be late for the final but when it finally arrived, I got on and sat next to this guy who just stared at me the whole way to school (There must have been something wrong with him). Anyway, we arrive at the school in like fifteen minutes and I am busting out my walking like none other to get to class. While I was to class I suddenly realized that I was an hour early for class. It was only 8:15am! I am so mad. I could have slept in for an hour longer!! What?!?!?!?!?! Well now I'm so dog dang dingity dong tired that I want to shoot someone. Oh man. At least this is the last final and then I get to go home.

Well that's all I've got guys, lame, I know. Maybe there will be an exciting post in the next week about all my beautiful Christmas presents. Well, wish me luck!