Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Staying in the Great Salt Lake!

This last weekend my family and I traveled to Utah! We left Wednesday morning at 9:15am (an hour later than what we were told we were going to, thanks mom) and got back Monday around 7:00pm (just in time for volleyball). We had a pretty chill trip and didn't do too much but were able to see a lot of family that we NEVER see. Here is a play by play of our trip.

  • Drove the eight hour drive. During this time Sean and I spent most our ride watching movies such as Jurassic Park III, The Lizze McGuire Movie and The Sound of Music. Derek and Michael slept or just listened to music most of the time.
  • We stopped at Taco Bell in Rowlins for lunch, as usually and then were back on our way.
  • We later arrived at our Hotel, Hyatt Place right by Gateway Mall in Salt Lake City. This being around 5:00pm.
  • We walked down Gateway Mall and ate at this place called The Counter. It is this hamburger place that is actually pretty good but my hamburger was SO HUGE that I ended up eating it with a fork and knife.
  • Michael, Sean and I went swimming.
  • We then spent the rest of the night in our hotel room playing games and resting.
  • We woke up in time to go downstairs and eat our continental breakfast.
  • Michael, Sean and I went swimming and it was perfect weather for it. Derek would have come, if he didn't forget his swimming suit.
  • I perfected my handstand at the pool and even did it without plugging my nose.
  • After we showered Michael, Sean and my dad went to Roy so that they could try this place called The Burger Bar that they had seen on the FoodNetwork. I had enough hamburger on Wednesday night to go try it but they say it was pretty good.
  • My mom, Derek and I went to Sbarro Pizza for lunch just down in Gateway, it was delish.
  • After lunch, Lisa came to our hotel to just hang out and see us. We waited around for about a half hour playing games.
  • We then went to my aunt's house where we saw all my mom's siblings and their spouses and ate more hamburgers for dinner! haha
  • We didn't end up leaving my aunt's house until midnight and by the time we got back to our hotel we were pooped.
  • Well, by the time I got out of bed it was time for lunch, so we walked down to the food court in Gateway again and I had me some delicious Panda Express.
  • After lunch we went and got some sweatshirts from Old Navy for our family's Annual Chidester Camp Out.
  • We went to go pick up salad for dinner and walked around Temple Square for a little while.
  • We then got ready and went up in the mountains by three where Lisa later met us.
  • This was the reason for going to Utah. It was so good to see family that we NEVER see.
  • We ate the most delicious ribs and potatoes and some delicious salad from Olive Garden that we picked up on the way.
  • Some of the younger kids went on a Snipe Hunt with me and Lisa and it was pretty funny. One of my cousins kids got too scared so I took him back to his mom. He then discussed with me all these different things but the best was when he (being five years old) was convinced that the stars followed him everywhere he went. He was almost in tears telling about it.
  • We got up and showered and ten headed out to the cemetery, where all but one of my grandparents are barried. Lisa met us there and it was just a short and sweet little visit.
  • Then we went to my aunt's restaurant in Sandy, UT. It is called Simply Thai and it the best Thai restaurant ever. We had some Drunken Noodles, Yellow Curry (not my favorite) and some Pad Thai, all followed by some coconut ice cream.
  • Then while my parents and Sean went to my grandpa's house, Lisa, Mike, Derek and I went to Zupas to eat with my good friend Blake. It was so good seeing him.
  • Following that we went back to my aunt's house where we just hung out.
  • My parents along with Michael and Sean went to "Music and the Spoken Word" at the conference center.
  • We then went to lunch at Arby's and went back to our hotel room to rest and take naps. Lisa came us and met us there.
  • Following naps we went to my Uncle Gene's house. We don't see them very often but it was so fun. We ate a delicious dinner followed by some amazing chocolate cake and competitive ping pong. I didn't realize how much I like ping pong and now I need a table. I love it I love it!!!
  • We then sat around and talked about missions for like two hours. It was good seeing my aunt and uncle and my cousins, especially my cousin Matthew. He is so funny and I've never really talked to him until this last trip but it was fun gettign to know him.
  • We finally get to go home.
  • I drove the second half of the way, and spent the entire time singing, causing me to lose my voice later that night.
  • We made it home safe and sound and we were ready for a break from each other.
Well, what a fun trip we had. Like I said, we didn't seem to do much but it was still so fun. haha

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