Tuesday, July 15, 2008

This might be the problem...

So... in my previous post I was complaining about how much my back was hurting and I think I might know what actually caused such pain, aside from my scoliosis.
You see, my sister Lisa is house sitting and last Friday I stayed the night at the house with her. We went to bed late and didn't wake up until later in the day so we decided that we would just waste the day doing a bunch of nonsense. We started out by watching two minutes of Beauty and the Beast (a Latter-Day Tale) before realizing it was going to be the worst movie ever. We quickly changed it to another dumb, but still intriguing movie, Aquamarine. We then decided to go up stairs and run on the treadmill. Now, I am not in any condition to be running. I am so out of shape it's not even funny. But still, we wanted to see if we could make it to level 9 on the treadmill. Lisa went first and succeeded with great ease. So, of course, I thought that I could do it if Lisa could do it.
So I started out on level 7 and things were going well. It was my first time actually running on a treadmill. I usually refuse to because I am afraid of looking ridiculous. Well, apparently I have good reason to fear that. Lisa was laughing so hard at how I was running that she decided to film me. Here is what she capture in this horrific experience:

I look like a fat kid chasing the ice cream man down the street. I don't really run like this,I like to think of it more as a speed walk. But it is rather ridiculous if you ask me but I think that this is actually what caused my back to have so much pain. So never ever speed walk on level 9 (yes, I made it to level 9!) or your back (and butt) WILL hurt for four or more days.


Natalie said...

You know, if you get off the treadmill you will make it to the half-baked ice cream faster.

Karen said...

I love this video!